"Mail Tag" Can-O-Grams - You're It!

"Mail Tag" Can-O-Grams - You're It!

from $5.99

Can-O-Grams are an amusing alternative for a gift card or box. These smartly designed cans can be filled with money, candy, gift cards, small gifts or anything that will fit. Once sealed, the only way to acquire the treasure inside is to pop the top! Each can includes a self-sealing bottom, attached after the Can-O-Gram is filled with goodies. Each set includes three cans: Large can = 4”D x 5.5”H, Medium can = 3.25”D x 5”H, Small can = 3”D x 4.25”H.

Our “Mail Tag” Can-O-Gram edition includes a set of 3 different nesting cans that can be filled with goodies, have a shipping label or stamps attached (depending on weight), and sent through the mail! This can set features Mail Tag, Happy Mail, and Extreme Joy! These unique mail cans are the perfect way to create a unique and fun gift-opening experience for the special recipient.

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